Our Latest News:

  • Exciting news here at The Mending Tree W e are moving to a fantastic new space! Starting June 1, 2023, the office will be located at 1001 North Sherman Avenue on the North side of Madison. This location offers an accessible space with vaulted ceilings, streaming sunlight, and ample parking. We are excited to become part of the thriving Northside Business  Community.

    A few announcements regarding updates to hours, policy, pricing, and payments:
    If you have not updated your health intake questionnaire, please do so. It is important to have the most up-to-date information regarding your health.
  • The hours are changing slightly for Spring/Summer. Appointments will be available Monday  to Wednesday from 9:00am to 5:30pm, Thursday 8am to 12:30pm, with pre-defined slots for appointments. With the new, pre-defined slots the 90-minute appointments will be phased out. If you desire a longer appointment time you may book two sequential 60-minute time slots. Please feel free to text or email for scheduling assistance.
  • With the change in hours and increase in business, it is important to re-state the cancellation policy here at The Mending Tree. Starting June 1st, 2023, The Mending Tree will require  48 hours‘ notice to cancel an appointment. Failure to do so will result in the full charge  for that appointment. Naturally, there are situations with extenuating circumstances, those will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Why 48 hours? The Mending Tree, LLC now has a daily waitlist filled with clients looking for open appointments. Those 48 hours are needed to coordinate scheduling.
  • The Mending Tree’s booking software MassageBooks is automatically linked to Square. Square has changed its policy regarding any refunds. As of April 15, 2023, Square will only issue a refund to you  MINUS  any service fees. If preferred, payment may be made in the office by Cash, Check, Zelle, or Venmo.

See you soon at the new location. Looking forward to sharing all the new energy that a move can bring!