We help adults with chronic pain, acute injuries or past surgeries return to an active lifestyle and a life they LOVE without multiple trips to the doctor, pain medications, injections, or surgery.
What if I told you that there is a way to transform out of chronic daily pain? A way to end your suffering and alter your condition, easing the physical and mental burdens that tether you?
There is a way …
… to live in better alignment with all that surrounds you
… to lead a vital lifestyle
… to fully engage in relationships and returning to yourself
Are you or someone you know, looking to:
* Restore sleep, energy, and hope?
* Reduce or eliminate chronic pain?
* Feel better and more fulfilled?
* Return to an ability to work, earn a living, advance a career or be creative?
* Resume an active lifestyle?
* Enjoy satisfying relationships?
* Get back to oneself?
Complete transformation out of pain, moving towards a life that embodies health and wellness.
As a myofascial therapist, I achieve these results daily!
Please sign up for updates
1001 North Sherman Avenue
Madison, WI 53704
phone: 608-301-5717 fax: 608-200-3270